Dr Lisa Schopohl
Associate Professor of Finance
Co-Programme Director for MSc Climate Change, Sustainable Business and Green Finance

- Applied Empirical Finance,
- Responsible Investment,
- Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG),
- Institutional Investment,
- Pension Funds
Lisa’s research interests are in applied empirical finance and specifically in the areas of institutional investment, corporate finance, ESG investment and CSR, green finance, and gender in finance. Lisa has presented her research at numerous international conferences.
She has received several awards for her research, including the 2021 Prize for Best Research Output by Early Career Researchers in the Prosperity & Resilience Research Division, the 2017 FIR-PRI Finance and Sustainability Award for her PhD thesis and the 2015 PRI-Sycomore AM Award for most outstanding research in responsible investment. Lisa holds a PhD in Finance from the ICMA Centre at the University of Reading and a MLitt in Finance and Management from the University of St Andrews.
Henley faculty authors:
Dr Lisa SchopohlHenley faculty authors:
Dr Lisa SchopohlHenley faculty authors:
Dr Lisa SchopohlHenley faculty authors:
Dr Lisa SchopohlHenley faculty authors:
Dr Lisa SchopohlHenley faculty authors:
Dr Lisa SchopohlHenley faculty authors:
Dr Lisa SchopohlHenley faculty authors:
Dr Lisa Schopohl Andreas G. F. HoepnerHenley faculty authors:
Dr Lisa Schopohl Evelyn Fenton- James WalkerHenley faculty authors:
Dr Lisa SchopohlHenley faculty authors:
Dr Lisa SchopohlSustainable Investments
This module explores how financial investors incorporate sustainability considerations and environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into their investment decisions. The module offers an introduction to the main sustainable investment...
Econometric Analysis for Finance
This module equips you with the quantitative tools used by market participants. The module uses a mixture of (1) lectures where the theory and concepts are introduced and (2) seminars...
Past Events
British Academy of Management Conference
Research Seminar: Lisa Schopohl, ICMA Centre
Doctoral Research Conference 2016
8th INQUIRE UK Business School Seminar
3rd Geneva Summit on Sustainable Finance
Henley Doctoral Researcher Conference
PRI Academic Workshop
PRI in Person Conference
Young Finance Scholar Conference
European Responsible Investment and Institutions Conference (ERIIC)
Most recent news & media
Older news & media
- Applied Empirical Finance
- Responsible Investment
- Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG)
- Institutional Investment
- Pension Funds
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