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A look back at 2016

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Click on the links below to explore the best of 2016: Over the last year, academics at the ICMA Centre have produced and been given funding for new research in Finance.

These are just a few examples of the research our academics have been involved with this year.

Visit our academic profile pages to find out more about individual research. Our academics have been praised for their contributions to research as well as student experience.

Not only have our academics been highly regarded, but the ICMA Centre's finance degrees have positioned very well in global rankings.

View all our latest rankings Our expertise is valued the world over. That’s why media from across the globe look to ICMA Centre academics to comment on current news and events.

View more media stories on our academic profile pages. It’s not just the academics who have experienced successes over the past year, our students have also had a great year and there have been some amazing achievements from them.

Read more stories in our latest news

Published 21 December 2016

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