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University Cements its Top 20 Place in the Guardian's University Guide for Business & Management

The University of Reading has been ranked 11th on the Business and Management section - which includes the ICMA Centre - of the Guardian's University Guide.

The University of Reading has been ranked 32 overall in the 2012 Guardian University Guide , 13 places higher than the previous year.

Vice-Chancellor of the University of Reading Professor Gordon Marshall said: "We are delighted to have moved up in the Guardian league table, as we constantly strive to improve. Our ranking reaffirms the high regard in which our students hold the quality of teaching and research at the University across a broad range of subjects."

In addition to the news on the Guardian league table, the latest employability data for Reading's 2010 graduates shows its best result for a decade.

Published 26 May 2011
Rankings news

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