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University Pairs Up With Financial Regulatory Services Heavy-Weight

The University of Reading has joined forces with the world's top private-sector financial regulatory services body with the appointment of a new professor.

Paul Nelson, a partner in the international law firm of Linklaters, has been appointed as the NASD Visiting Professor of Securities Regulation for the University's Master's Degree Programme in Capital Markets, Regulation and Compliance at the University's ICMA (International Capital Market Association) Centre.

NASD is the world's leading private-sector provider of financial regulatory services.

In announcing this appointment, John Board, Professor of Finance and Director of the University's ICMA Centre, said: "We are absolutely delighted that someone of Paul's stature and prominence has agreed to this important post at the University - one that demands a combination of innovative thinking and industry experience.

"There is no-one better qualified for this than Paul, and few who can match his expertise in regulatory issues in the UK, Europe and globally."

Mr. Nelson has been affiliated with Linklaters since 1979, a partner since 1987 and head of the firm's Financial Markets Group since 1996. He specialises in regulations applying to financial services institutions including investment banks, securities firms and insurance companies in the United Kingdom, Europe and internationally.

He is a 1978 graduate of the University of Cambridge, where he earned a BA in Law (First Class) and where he was the recipient of the George Long Prize for Jurisprudence. Since the beginning of 2006, Mr. Nelson and his Financial Markets Group have been instrumental in the development of the NASD's and the University of Reading's Diploma programme in Regulation and Compliance.

Mr. Nelson's appointment further enhances the Master's Degree programme launched in January 2006.

Available on a full-time, flexible and distance learning basis, the MSc degree programme covers a wide range of European, US and international issues and is focused on building expertise in markets and financial instruments, market mechanics dealing knowledge and practical market regulation and compliance.

Mr. Nelson will be leading the University's efforts on all aspects of the programme while remaining totally committed, and working full time, in his professional practice.

NASD Chairman and CEO Mary Schapiro said: "This is an important day for the programmes in Capital Markets, Regulation and Compliance, which include the first Masters degree in the area.

"The direct participation of industry professionals like Paul Nelson will help ensure that the programme will deliver the highest level of industry knowledge and will help meet the increasing demand for highly qualified regulation and compliance professionals worldwide."

Published 22 March 2007

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