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100% student satisfaction for Finance programmes – NSS 2022

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The NSS gathers final year undergraduate students’ opinions on the quality of their courses, rating areas such as teaching, learning opportunities, the learning community, and assessment and feedback.

Our Finance programmes performed especially well with students rating their learning resources at 94% and academic support at 91%. Students also appreciated the learning community of the Finance programmes, scoring it 90%.

Our other departments all scored highly in the survey in terms of overall satisfaction, with Real Estate & Planning our Degree Apprenticeship Scheme both being rated at 90%; Accounting reaching 84%; and Business & Management achieving 83%.

Dr Andrew Hull, Head of Undergraduate Programmes at Henley Business School:

“The latest NSS survey is another set of great results for Henley. It builds on the recent Complete University Guide rankings. These results demonstrate that graduating students are not only fully equipped for a career in business but have also had a great experience along the way.

These results are also a credit to our hard-working academic and support staff who work tirelessly to provide our students with the best experience possible. The last few years have been challenging for everyone, but these results prove that the dedication of our staff has been appreciated by our students.”

More than 2,300 students from across the University of Reading, which Henley is part of, responded to the survey, giving the University an overall satisfaction score of 80% - above the national average.

Published 8 July 2022
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