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Finance academic wins Malaysia Finance Association best paper

Pejman wins MFAC award group picture e1495793143835

Dr Abdolhossein (Pejman) Zameni has been awarded Best Paper by the Malaysian Finance Association (MFA) for his paper “Substantial Shareholders and Their Trading Behaviour Around Lock-Up Expiry: Evidence from Emerging Markets”.

Pejman is a Finance lecturer at University of Reading Malaysia, teaching modules for the undergraduate course Finance & Business Management. The conference was held at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) from 16-17 May 2017, and focused on the theme of ‘Challenges and New Directions amidst Global Financial Uncertainty’.

His paper uses a sample of Malaysian IPOs to examine the effects of substantial shareholders’ trading behaviour on share prices, trading volume and bid–ask spread in relation to the efficient market hypothesis.

“This really means a lot to me to have been given the recognition by the Finance Society and Finance Professors,” commented Dr Zameni, “It has motivated me to produce better publications as well as encouraged me to work with other researchers internationally.”

Find out more about studying at University of Reading Malaysia

Read the full story on the UTAR website

Published 26 May 2017

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