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ICMA Centre Professor elected an Honorary Fellow of the International Institute of Forecasters

Professor Michael Clements has been elected an Honorary Fellow of the International Institute of Forecasters (IIF), in recognition of major contributions to the field of forecasting. The IIF is a non-profit organisation 'dedicated to developing and furthering the generation, distribution, and use of knowledge on forecasting' (see a full description of the Institute's objectives).

Michael joins two Nobel Prize winners and a Knight!

Michael is Professor of Econometrics at the ICMA Centre and his interests are in the areas of time-series econometrics and forecasting, and he has been published widely in academic journals on forecast evaluation, mixed-frequency data modelling, non-linear modelling and business cycle analysis, real-time modelling and forecasting, factor model forecasting, and the analysis of survey expectations.

Professor Michael P. Clements

Professor of Econometrics
Published 1 August 2014

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