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ICMA Centre to host Romanian students as part of €4m ESF research project

The ICMA Centre, Henley Business School, is cooperating with four Romanian universities, namely the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, the University "Alexandru Ioan Cuza " in Ia?i, the University of West in Timi?oara and the University "Babe? Bolyai" in Cluj-Napoca on a project for post-doctoral studies, with an overall budget of around 4 million Euros.

The partnership was developed as part of the Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2007-2013 (SOP HRD), financed by the European Social Fund for Romania and the Romanian government. The main objective of the project is to enhance the Romanian post-doctoral research performance in the general field of economics.

The 3-year long project starts in May 2010 and includes various activities, such as post-doctoral visits, workshops and conferences, as well as providing finance for 80 post-doctoral fellows to facilitate their work and promote their research outputs. The ICMA Centre and the School of Economics at the University of Reading will also host around 20 post-doctoral students from the above named universities.

Published 13 January 2011

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