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How Investing in the future is destroying the planet and what to do about it

Event information
Date 10 November 2021
Time 18:00-7:00 (Timezone: Europe/London)
Venue Online
Event types:
Industry Insights

The term ‘sustainability’ is kicked about on a daily basis. Whether it isbeing debated in parliament, used in the latest marketing ploy ormentioned at school. As a theme, it has penetrated every area of societybut there is still a long way to go, and most global patterns continue toactively hinder efforts for a more sustainable future.

In The Unsustainable Truth, David Ko and Richard Busellato examine how everything in the world is linked through investments andeconomics, and why as people increasingly rely on these processes to provide for their futures, the required profits demand too much of the planet. It is an inevitably unsustainable system.

Hear from Dr David Ko and Richard Busellato, authors of a book on the sustainability issues of investments. Having worked at renowned hedge funds such as LTCM and Millennium, and investment companies such as Henderson and Bank of America, they have recently left the industry so they may speak more freely.