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Great results for Henley in the University Research Excellence Framework 2014 rankings!

In particular for Business and Management, Henley, including the ICMA Centre, is now is ranked in the top 10% for internationally excellent and world-leading research. In addition, out of 101 institutions, Henley Business School ranked 10th for the reach and significance of our impact on business and policy, and 14th for the vitality and sustainability of the research environment. Henley were placed 16th in the UK for the overall quality of research.

Professor Chris Brooks, Director of Research at the ICMA Centre, was a member of the Business and Management sub-panel that conducted the research evaluation. He said, “I am delighted with this set of results, which demonstrate the high regard in which our research is held. It is particularly gratifying to see that almost two thirds of our impact submission was awarded the highest possible (4*) rating, which reflects our focus on conducting relevant as well as rigorous research for the financial markets.”

These superb results show that Henley is achieving its objective of being recognised for its world-class research and its application. Henley’s approach is to deliver research that makes a positive impact on business, policy and society by maintaining a dynamic research environment that influences everyone connected with the School.

To read the full story please visit the Henley Business School website and visit the University of Reading REF page.

Published 18 December 2014
Rankings news Research news

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