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Chinese Companies in the UK and US: Prospects and Concerns article featured in Boao Review Magazine

Professor Adrian Bell, Head of the ICMA Centre, Dr Zhiyao Chen and Yeqin Zeng have recently written a long form article titled 'Chinese Companies in the UK and US: Prospects and Concerns'. The article was published in January's edition of Boao Review Magazine, a Journal of Economic Commentaries for the Asia-Pacific Region.

The article notes how the past twenty years has "witnessed the international expansion of Chinese multinational companies, especially in developed countries such as the UK and US" and describes how these Chinese multinational companies are "not only from the traditional manufacturing industry, but also from industries such as technology, energy, entertainment and education."

The article looks at the expansion and investment of multinational Chinese companies, the support received from US and UK governments and the opportunities and concerns going forward.

You can read the article in full here (english) or the original copy in chinese is available at these links part1, part2, part3.

Professor Adrian Bell

Research Dean, Prosperity and Resilience

Dr Yeqin Zeng

Visiting Fellow
Published 10 January 2014

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