Executive Pay and Performance in the UK 1994-2002
Event information | |
Date | 23 November 2005 |
Time | 13:00-14:00 (Timezone: Europe/London) |
Venue | ICMA Centre, Room G03/04 |
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His research focuses on pension economics; fund manager performance; market microstructure and the organisation of stock exchanges; directors? trading; and the new issue market. He has published in leading finance and economics journals, and teaches across all areas of financial economics including asset pricing, corporate finance, market efficiency and performance measurement. He is a consultant to the Financial Markets Group, and the Centre for Market and Public Organisation. He has previously held positions at the University of Bristol, and the London School of Economics and has held visiting positions at University of British Columbia, Solvay Business School, Bruxelles; City University Business School; Ecole Nationale Des Ponts et Chaussees, Paris; and LSE Summer Schools at Moscow and St Petersburg teaching finance courses. He has acted as a consultant to a number of commercial and regulatory organisations, and has advised the Department of Work and Pensions and the House of Commons Select Committee on issues in pensions.
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